Hi guys! This is an "original" scheme based on the DR1 Rhapsody screens shots. This scheme can be hacked in anyway, shape, or form as long as it improves the Rhapsody-like appearence. And send me a copy!
This is email ware, I would like to hear what people think of my first attempt at a "real" scheme. =)
Note : Use the French Blue highlight color for the true Rhapsody experience. I made the menu highlight color dark blue with French blue selected.
email at:
or check me out at:
(Use IAD on the above.)
This scheme was created by:
Wade Cosgrove
Version History:
1.2.2 Fixed the inactive buttons. (Thanks again, Somnath!)
1.2.1 Remade the trash can icon. Becuase it looked 'similar' to someone else's. Oh well, the new one is better anyway.
1.2 Did a bunch of things. The main things were: put in all highlight colors and I took out the "thick" black edge on the bottom and right sides of the scrolls. (I was getting sick of the way they looked in some apps.) ;-) Rhapsody DR1 now comes with a HD icon for you people who lucky enough to own a tower. (Thanks Somnath.)
1.1.3 Fixed the "little" window's header bar pattern.
1.1.2 Fixed a VERY stupid mistake I made, with the fonts' & extensions' folders icons.
1.1.1 Fixed the depressed buttons & added a suprise when the
Kaleidoscope logo is pushed
1.1 Put a trash can icon in. I also fixed the highlight bug.
1.03 tweaked scroll buttons and fixed progress bar color
1.02 fixed horizontal scroll button
1.01 fixed bugs in menu bar and other pixel tweaks
1.0 first public release (wasn't posted yet, but was sent in)
Rhapsody is an Apple tradmark, and all that stuff. Just don't sell this scheme! =)